Our school is taking part in a survey being conducted by the Carroll County General Health District as part of the county’s Community Health Assessment. The survey is based on prior research and is designed to help understand students’ health and mental health. The survey will ask about the health behaviors of 7th through 12th grade students. The survey is anonymous and includes questions about life experiences, social media, injuries, mental health, suicide, substance use, and friendships.

Students will be asked to fill out a survey online that takes about 20 minutes to complete.

The findings from this survey will help public health and school officials advance and develop important programs to support students. As a result, this survey might benefit your child and other children in the future. Doing this online survey will cause little to no risk to your child. The only potential risk is that some students might find certain questions to be sensitive. 

The survey has been designed to protect your child’s privacy; the survey is completely anonymous. Students will not put their names on the survey. Individual responses will not be shared with teachers or school administrators. We would like your student to take part in the survey, but the survey is voluntary. No action will be taken against the school, you, or your child, if your child does not take part. Students can skip any questions that they do not wish to answer. In addition, students may stop participating in the survey at any time without penalty. If you would like to see the survey, please click the links below.

Forms are being sent home today. Please read the form and check the box only if you do not want your child to take part in the survey. If you check the box “no,” sign the form and return it to the school by Thursday, January 25.

Middle School Survey

High School Survey