Get ready for Homecoming Spirit Week! Go Warriors!

The Fall Homecoming Parade will take place Wednesday, September 20th. Lineup will be on 3rd St. in front of the Elementary School going the wrong direction at 6 PM, with the parade starting at 6:30 PM.
The route will go down to the square, out the top and on to 332 and out to the school. Bonfire and Pep Rally to follow. A shuttle to 3rd St. from the High School will be provided.
Come out and show your support for our Warriors!

Mark your calendars! Picture Day is coming. Please see the attached for dates.

Congratulations to our September Students of the Month, Nick Sutton and Haley McDonald!

American Spirit day is tomorrow! Grab your red, white & blue!

Due to extremely hot conditions in the elementary school, there is no school tomorrow (Wed. September 6) for students in grades PK-5. Students in grades 6-12 will report as usual.

REMINDER: no school tomorrow as it is a Waiver Day. BCC busses will be running.
Students need to be at CHS by 6:55 to get the bus. No pick up or drop off at home!

You may have received a call that your child is absent from school today. This is a software mistake with our new All-Call Provider. Please disregard the call and
PLEASE DO NOT CALL THE SCHOOL as we are working to resolve the issue. Thank you for your patience and understanding.

Many of you have received a hard copy of our district calendar. Please note that there is an incorrect date: March 13, 2024 is listed as a no school waiver day. We do have school on March 13, 2024. It is a regular school day. We apologize for the misprint and any confusion it may have caused.

Senior Parent meeting is scheduled for August 23 at 6pm in the PAC. They will be passing out information in regard to dates, senior trip, attendance rules that affect prom, scholarship info, commencement and graduation requirements. See you there!

Carroll County Republican Women's Club presented the captains of the Girls High School Soccer Team with a check for $1000. This donation will be used to help cover the cost of bags and pants. Thank you for your support of our students!
Pictured left to right: Republican Women's President Lucinda Oyer, Lexi Shockey, Ariona Rutledge, Assistant Coach Ashlynn Knotts, and Lilliana Menarcheck.

Carrollton High School Volleyball is hosting a Block Out Cancer Volleyball Game on 10/10.
Shirts - $15
Raffle Baskets
Business Sponsor
Contact Your Favorite Volleyball Player For A Shirt Or To Be A Business Sponsor!

Just a reminder today is Meet The Teacher from 1:30-3pm.

Have you downloaded our new GO WARRIORS app yet? Stay up to date on news, events, cancellations and more! It's completely free and available for Android or iOS phones. Search for "CARROLLTON WARRIORS OH" in the app store and download today!

The main driveway to the CHS/CMS building is being sealed this weekend. Starting on Friday, visitors will need to enter on Industrial Drive and park in the lot directly in front of the building. All should be 'back to normal' on Monday, August 14.
Thank you for your patience and understanding!!

Carroll County General Health District is offering back to school immunizations. Please see attached flier for details.

Don't forget to join us tonight for the Back to School Warrior Bash starting today at 5pm at the MS-HS. Grab some free school supplies. Kona Ice truck will be there too!

Be sure to check out the Community Health Expo on Thursday, August 10 from 9-11am. Mercy Carrollton will be collecting items for our Weekend Backpack Program!

Friendly reminder that student device insurance payments must be received by September 29, 2023. Any payment received after this date will be returned to the parent and they will be financially responsible for any damage to their student's device(s). Please contact the school with any questions.

Orientation dates have been set for 6th and 9th Graders as well as any incoming new student. Freshmen orientation will be on August 8 at 9am or 6pm. Any student who is new to our High School is also welcome to attend. Sixth grade orientation will be held on August 10 at 9am or 6pm. Any student who is new to our Middle School is also welcome to attend. Please contact our office with any questions. We look forward to seeing everyone there!